
This page details the most commonly-worshipped deities in the world. There are certain to be others, but the main pantheon is made up of these nine major deities, and three minor deities.

Note: The name in parentheses after a deity's favored weapon is the name, according to lore, of the weapon personally wielded in combat by that deity. It is said that, when a follower is truly blessed by their god, their deity may bestow their personal weapon upon the follower in times of great crisis.

The Gods of Good

Detroia, Goddess of Law


Visualized as a strong woman clad in metal armor, she is the goddess of civilization and community. Her paladins enforce laws, hunt down criminals, and serve as judges. Her clerics bless building construction, oversee town meetings, and craft magical constructs. Detroia is the twin sister of Azimuth, and her followers are often targeted as victims by followers of Sumpr. Regardless of the patron deity of its individual citizens, most cities say prayers to Detroia at community gatherings.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Symbol: Two hands held in trust
Domains: Life, War
Favored Weapon: Warhammer (Rule)

Deluz, the Sun Father


Visualized as a bearded man in flowing white robes wielding a shining greatsword, Deluz is the god of goodness, healing, and light. His paladins protect the weak, fight the ever-encroaching forces of undead and heal the sick. He is the sworn enemy of Mor'Eth, god of death, and each has struggled to destroy the other for all of history.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Symbol: A sword laid across a shining sun
Domains: Light, Life
Favored Weapon: Greatsword (Nova)

Molog, the Burrower


Pictured sometimes as a large creature resembling a mole, and sometimes as a burly bearded man holding a pickaxe and a lantern, Molog is believed by many to have created the caves and mountains by burrowing through the ground when the world was young. (As such, the underdark is known as the Mologai, or "Molog's Road".) His followers are often stoneworkers, metalworkers, miners, and explorers. Followers of Molog often show their faith by prominently wearing jewelry, with devout followers valuing only gems of the uncut variety. Many rogues speak thanks to Molog whenever they "procure" a trove of treasure.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Symbol: A green, multi-faceted gem
Domains: Nature, Light
Favored Weapon: Pick (Earthshaper)

The Gods of Neutrality

Harryp, the Perfect


Pictured as a bare-chested man with tan skin and long grey hair, Harryp is the god of self-discipline, order, and hand-to-hand combat. Many monks revere him, and his followers often try to master combat (unarmed as well as armed) as a way to achieve perfection- either for the good of mankind, or for the bane of it.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Symbol: A man seated in meditation
Domains: Knowledge, War
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff (Patience)

Caelaes, the Archmage


Visualized as a tall elven man, Caelaes was once a living wizard who sought to learn every magic spell in the world. Because he had control over so much magic power, he gradually became one with magic itself, becoming the god of magic and knowledge. His followers seek out magic spells, create magic spells, operate libraries, and focus on a life of eternally seeking truth. The majority of the Wizards' academies throughout the world are sponsored by the Church of the Archmage. Caelaes' followers live in relative peace with other religions, fearing only the followers of Sumpr for their enthusiasm for destruction by fire. Most (if not all) temples to Caelaes house a shrine to Terol, who has no permanent churches of its own.
Alignment: True Neutral
Symbol: An eye surrounded by eight magical runes
Domains: Knowledge, Life
Favored Weapon: Crossbow (Magic Missile)

Azimuth, God of Transformation


The god of nature and change, Azimuth is rarely visualized as the same being twice. Sometimes he is a human man, sometimes an elf, sometimes a bear, sometimes a wolf- he encourages his followers to revere nature, and remember that all things are destined to change, but each change is a necessary part of existence. He is the brother of Detroia. Many of his followers deny any connection with Sumpr, while others (particularly the more devoted in their faith) claim that many other gods (such as Molog, Terol, and even Sumpr) are actually manifestations of Azimuth in other forms.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Symbol: A changing trail of footsteps
Domains: Nature, Tempest
Favored Weapon: Sickle (Woods Talon)

The Gods of Evil

Latris, the Warden


Latris is pictured as a brutal-looking woman wielding and wearing spiked chains as weapon and armor. The goddess of control and conquest, she believes in turning enemies into servants, and controlling the weak through force and corruption. She is said to be the warden of Carceri, the eternal prison that evil souls are condemned to after death.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Symbol: An empty hanging cage
Domains: Tempest, War
Favored Weapon: Spiked Chain (Freedom's Bane)

Mor'Eth, the Archlich


The god of darkness, the father of all undead, Mor'Eth is imagined as an emaciated Trystborn who wears armor black as night and wields two daggers that drain the soul of anything they touch. His followers create undead, spread sickness, and wage war against the forces of Deluz. Few openly claim to worship Mor'Eth- his churches are few and far between, and are rarely advertised in the light. His priests teach that those among them most worthy will some day be granted the unending life that comes from the hidden secret of lichdom.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Symbol: A skull seated on two crossed daggers
Domains: Death, Knowledge
Favored Weapon: Twin Daggers (Life and Death)

Sumpr, the Flame


Pictured as a featureless being composed purely of primal fire, Sumpr is the god of fire and destruction. It is said that before Sumpr came into being, nothing decayed. According to Followers of the Flame, Detroia and Azimuth had a sibling (in some stories a brother, in some a sister) that was caught in a fire. Neither went back to save Sumpr, and as a result the fire killed him/her, transforming his/her hatred into a being of pure malice and destruction upon death. As such, it is not uncommon for Followers of the Flame to wage war on the churches of Azimuth and Detroia. Sumpr's followers believe that some day, everything in the world, nature and civilization alike, will be consumed by fire. Churches to Sumpr are rare, and if they exist in or near civilized areas, they are well-hidden, biding their time until the day of the great conflagration.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Symbol: A spiraling fireball
Domains: Light, Tempest
Favored Weapon: Club (Eternal Flame)

Minor Deities

Note: All Minor Deities were once mortal, and are all considered Unaligned. This is because, as mortals, their alignments, even at their most extreme, paled in comparison to primal beings like the Major Deities.

Terol, the Curious


Caelaes' familiar, a beige-hooded rat, Terol became part of Caelaes' divinity when he became a god. Though not often thought of as a god on its own, Terol is revered by many magical beasts, and it is said that when a being is inspired by curiosity, Terol must be hidden nearby, passing on its animal-like curiosity to them.
Symbol: A caricatured rat silhouette
Domains: Knowledge
Favored Weapon: Unarmed Strike/Natural Weapon (Familiar's Bite)

Felicia, the Lucky Lady


In life, Felicia was a beautiful woman with a love for gambling; it is said that luck lived at her beck and call. As the legend goes, in a chance meeting with a traveling god of the stars, she wagered her soul against the god's divinity, and won. She has since been considered the patron goddess of luck. Casinos and betting houses often double as shrines to the Lucky Lady.
Symbol: A pair of dice with starbursts for pips
Domains: Trickery
Favored Weapon: Longbow (Lucky Shot)

Terrano, the Unseen


The once-mortal god of stealth and thievery, little is known about Terrano's time among the living. Upon his death at a rival assassin's dagger, however, he ascended to divinity, and has become the patron of thieves, assassins, and masters of espionage. Churches of Terrano are rare, and always hidden, and his followers rarely know each other by name, typically resorting to wearing masks or meeting in pitch blackness to honor their god.
Symbol: A black crescent moon
Domains: Trickery
Favored Weapon: Throwing Dagger (Shadow's Touch)

Tristen & Anri, the Union


Tristen & Anri are the collective deity of unions. Many people speak an oath to them when joining another in marriage, while others revere the faith in the form of strong friendships and even business partnerships. Any kind of union meant to last for the life of its members, be it familial, platonic, romantic, or duty-bound follow in the footsteps of Tristen & Anri.

Like other minor deities, Tristen & Anri were once mortal, and through the strength of their devotion to one another their essences continued on long after death in divine form. However, over the centuries the story of exactly who and what Tristen & Anri were has been muddled- the nature of each of them tends to vary depending on the values of those swearing devotion to the deities. Some stories tell of Tristen & Anri being a man and a woman who fell in love and swore to the stars to join forever in marriage, while others insist they were both men, or both women. Still others claim that their union was not one of love at all, but rather that of an honorable knight and his wolf companion who bravely fought beside each other even as certain death closed in on all sides. Some groups even say that Tristen & Anri held neither romance nor honor between them, but simply held a mutual respect as only true lifetime friends can. Scholars often claim that the shifting, uncertain nature of the tales of Tristen & Anri is the exact legacy the two intended to leave behind- showing that a true union flourishes best when unshackled by titles and prejudices.
Symbol: A sword and shield, resting on one another or positioned like a lever and fulcrum
Domains: Solidarity
Favored Weapon: Greatsword and Greatshield, or any paired weapon (Honor and Duty)

"Dead" Deities

This section is for deities whose following is no longer believed to exist. Perhaps it was once a thriving religion whose followers were gradually swayed to another, or maybe it was a cult that died out. For whatever reason, any faiths listed here are no longer considered valid for player characters.

Tara Ghiless, the Ebony Raven

Pictured as a beautiful, corseted woman with pale skin and flowing black hair, Tara Ghiless was once the goddess of Death and Magic. Her followers held control over undead (either to create them or to destroy them), they kept a strict heirarchy and always deferred to their superiors, and worshipped their goddess as the final arbiter of life and death. Some of her followers tended to flaunt wealth and prosperity, and it was not uncommon for them to treat bureaucratic processes as strictly as the laws of the church. While the exact reason for the church's "death" is unknown, her similarity to the portfolio of Mor'Eth likely had a hand in its dissolution.
Symbol: A raven, or a skull
Domains: Death, Knowledge
Favored Weapon: Dagger (Discretion)

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